Saturday 22 February 2014

School Council Representatives

On Friday the class voted to choose two students to represent them on our School Council.
Congratulations Jamie and Georgia. We know you will do a great job representing Room 2.

Monday 17 February 2014

Music Lessons

Every Thursday this term we have a music lesson with Kathy Stephens. Last week we got to make music with boom whackers and bells. We played beats using animal cards and played a number snap game with the bells. We all loved making music and gave two thumbs up at the end of our lesson.

Joseph's Honey

For his news item, Joseph bought in a special jar of honey to share with the class. Room 2 asked some great questions and learnt how the honey was made.

Who made the honey? - Regan
Dad made the honey. - Joseph

Where are the beehives?- Blaze
In the orchard by my house. - Joseph

How did they make it?- Lynk
An electric knife melted the wax off the hive and they put it into a bucket. They melted it and put it into a spinner. - Jospeh

Some words Room 2 used to describe the honey after they used special sticks to taste it -
Really Good!   Delicious! Scrumptious! Sweet!

Welcome to Room 2 with Mrs Perry and Mrs Diack!

What a great start to 2014! 

Make sure you check out our blog regularly to see photos and read about the great learning experiences Room 2 takes part in. Feel free to leave comments to share with the class.