Sunday 16 November 2014

Discovering Rabbits!

We discover lots of things during Discovery time on Friday mornings but our group of students in the garden were very surprised to discover 3 baby rabbits. After having a pat and sharing their discovery with the other students, our gardeners returned them to the bushes by the garden where they had hopped out from. Hopefully they dont eat all the plants in our garden!

Discovering Salt Crystals

Last term Austin showed us some salt crsytals he had grown at home. This term we thought it would be interesting to grow our own at school. During Discovery time we mixed up a solution of water, salt and food colouring. We then soaked a piece of string in the salt water solution and tied it around a pencil, leaving the end of the string dangling in the salt water solution. We left them in Room 2 for two weeks and would look at them each day to see how the crystals were growing. After two weeks, we broke the crystals off the string and pencils and used the crystals to make some fantastic looking art. This is a fun project to try at home!